Sterling Stamping Plant

35777 Van Dyke
Sterling Heights, MI 48312, USA
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Chrysler - Sterling Stamping Plant
Latitude / Longitude
Latitude = 42.5570351
Longitude = -83.0294906

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Floor Space
2.74 Million Sq. Ft.
254 Acres
Facility was completed and production started in 1965. The first stampings were produced in January 1965. There are 32 major lines of stamping presses, ranging from 50 to 200 tons capacity, totaling 448 presses. The facility has a steel capacity, of 40,000 tons, water storage capacity of 900,000 gallons, steam capacity of 300,000 pounds per hour and compressed air of 25,000 cubic feet per minute.
1,571 (1,407 hourly; 164 salaried) on two and a half shifts
Plant History
Facility was completed and production started in 1965.