MFD Pontiac

Metal Fabrication Division

220 E Columbia Ave.
Pontiac, MI 48340, USA
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General Motors - Cisco 18200
Latitude / Longitude
Latitude = 42.669982
Longitude = -83.2935729

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Employees - Hourly
Employees - Salary
Pontiac Metal Center (sheet metal stamping) and quick plastic forming (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, in New Hudson, Mich.)
Year Opened
Stampings, hydroform, and quick plastic forming (at AMT) for cars and trucks across GM’s portfolio.
2009 CY Volume
20,947 tonnes shipped
Plant Size
1.2 million sq. ft. (Pontiac Campus) / 70,000 sq. ft. (AMT, New Hudson, Mich.)
Recent Awards and Community Involvement
  • 2010: Actively involved in environmental initiatives within the local community, including: Adopt-A-Road, Earth Day activities, and river monitoring events with local schools
  • 2010: Local fundraising efforts to support of the United Negro College Fund
  • 2009: Charitable contributions to local charitable causes surpassing $3,300
  • 2009: Participation in A World in Motion program
  • 2008: Employees contributed over $14,000 to various charitable causes.
  • 2008: Employees taught math and science skills to Owen Elementary 4th and 5th graders through A World in Motion program.
The plant began production in 1926 as part of the Oakland Motor Car Company and became part of the Pontiac Motor Division in 1932. During General Motor's 1984 reorganization, the facility was assigned to Chevrolet - Pontiac - Canada Group. In 1987, C-P-C Pontiac assembly operations were suspended and responsibility for the pressed metal and engine operations were combined in one plant that became known as Pontiac Manufacturing Operations. In 1992, responsibilities for these operations were assigned to the Cadillac/Luxury Car Division. The facility became part of the Metal Center organization in 1994 when the GM Metal Fabricating Division was formed. The plant employs 311 people. Hourly employees are represented by UAW Local 653. Nearly 21,000 tonnes of sheet metal stampings and assemblies were produced in the 2009 calendar year.